Spin Cycle
Should I or shouldn’t I?
Self doubt rises
Life is messy
I wish I could just put it all into the
Washing machine
The cycle may need to be cold
Or hot, gentle or delicate
It might need to be sorted
Or made smaller in size
What if I could put every emotion
Every fear
Every whisper of disdain
Into the washer
And simply walk away
Letting it churn
Letting it agitate
Letting it wash away
The anxiety, the distress
The fear of the next catastrophe
I would wait and listen
For the relief of the spin cycle
The water squeezed out
The soap suds all gone
Completely drained and released
Each piece to be carefully removed
To lay flat or hang high
Or to toss to the next machine
For another pass
Finally at the end of the day
It’s all fresh and renewed
The fragrance beckons
The cycle complete
Whispering, start again.