Spiral Heart Yoga
Yoga is...
A dynamic dance of breath and movement
A river flowing through body, mind and spirit
A path of kindness, compassion, joy and balance
A beam of truth and light
And for each of us, in our own way, the journey home.

Peggy's Yoga Weekly Class Schedule
Times are listed in Pacific Time Zone
Monday and Wednesday 8:30-9:45am --Gentle Yoga/Yoga for Arthritis in person and livestream with Peggy.
Thursday 12:15-1:15pm Challenging Conditions - an accessible class for those who desire a bit more personalized attention due to a particular long-term or short-term challenge.
Sunday 11:30am-12:45pm - Level 1 in person and livestream with Peggy.
Click link above to visit the Yoga House website to register.
In-person classes for Yoga House held at:
11 West State St
Pasadena, CA 91105
Currently, Peggy is not teaching at the Nourishing Spirits Center, St. George. Please book below for Francine's and Aleks' classes. Thank you!
Spiral Path Yoga Center, La Crescenta, CA
It was my great honor and privilege to teach at Spiral Path Yoga Center under the leadership of Addie deHilster from 2016-2021. After the studio’s physical space closed, we continued to offer 200 hour yoga teacher training online through Spiral Path Yoga School. I welcome Spiral Path students to continue to study with us.

What yoga means to me...
In Sanskrit the word yoga means “to yoke”, and it is commonly translated as “union”. At one level, yoga practices help us unify mind and body, head and heart, breath and awareness. On a deeper level, the seemingly separate aspects of our being begin to reveal a glimpse of our true nature. Seeing our true nature, our essence, helps to free our minds from limitations, while opening us to our life’s purpose and deepest desires.
I found my way to yoga after many years of teaching and performing in dance. My heart was at home as a dancer, but as is common with dancers, I drove my body hard, and the years of wear and tear left me feeling broken, especially in my knees.
I immersed myself deeply in the study of yoga, first strictly as a physical practice to soothe and heal the body. What I soon found was that the spiritual teachings and the philosophy were healing me on another level. My teachings are grounded in the lineage of the Himalayan Masters and the deep ancient wisdom of Sri Vidya Tantra as provided by my master teachers.